Our Charities

We are supporting two important causes as we do the rally and we would appreciate you supporting them with any donation you can afford. Some more information about them can be found here.

Oxfam Australia

The Oxfam Australia charity we have chosen to support is the Syrian Refugee Crisis.

Over 12 million innocent Syrian civilians have been caught up in the conflict and an estimated 250 000 have lost their lives. These people need urgent assistance. As we are choosing to travel through much of the Middle East and Central Asia, we feel it is only fitting that we raise funds for a charity committed to helping those caught up in the conflict.

You can donate generously here

Cool Earth

Cool Earth work with local communities in Peru, The Congo and Papua New Guinea to conserve rainforests and keep them in the hands of the traditional custodians, not the loggers. So far they have saved 642 311 acres of forest protecting over 154 million trees and produced 48 billion litres of much needed water. Our journey will take us through thousands of kilometres of this incredible planet and we want to keep it beautiful through our support for this charity.

You can donate generously here